Prem Kamble

Prem Kamble

Top IT Professional, Consultant & Trainer in Behavioral IT®, an essential skill for CEOs, HoDs and Managers in IT-Driven world. Consults on Behavioral IT Model of IT/ERP Success. Author of "God in Two Minutes" (unique study of God & Religion), he writes on Managing IT-Driven Change, Psychology, etc.
[This profile is reproduced from my Author Page in, a reputed thinkers' website. The site is closed but is accessible in archives. Click here to see this profile in Bestthinking archive site. May be slow to load.

The site was closed after Trump's election as US president due to "unprecedented polarization and antagonism" (sic)!]

An IT professional, author of book " God in Two Minutes ", I have written on IT Management, Behavioral IT® , Spirituality and Psychology (see full list of articles).

Soon after my MBA, I joined a software consulting firm and worked with several clients where I interacted with IT heads. I soon realized how easy my job was as a consultant and how difficult it was for the internal IT folks in the company. Whereas I was treated with courtesy as a guest, they were in the frying pans of internal politics. I decided to be an insider in a company (in-house IT guy) and face the heat. I was lucky to get an offer from one of my satisfied clients. In less than 5 years of my service, I was heading IT in a group of companies where I set up the IT operations from scratch. I worked there for 5 years and that was my solid foundation as a CIO. One of my success stories was a cover article in the country's leading magazine 'Computers Today'.

Over the years, I have keenly studied people issues in IT Management - issues related to IT users, senior management and IT developers. I have been a keen student of management of change brought about by automation. I have shared what I have learnt through my seminar for top managers, which I call a unique "behavioral" training on technology for CEOs, Department Heads and Senior Managers. It is unique because while most IT seminars talk of technology, this one is about IT related soft skills, overcoming fear of technology, changing mindset and managing change. I have coined a term Behavioral IT® to describe this skill, which is an essential skill for top managers in this age of IT. I believe that managers do not need to know IT, they only need to know Behavioral IT.

The other area of my interest which I love to write about is "An objective look at God and Religion". Now these two areas may seem to be poles apart - one in the area of down to earth technology and the other in the area of abstract philosophy. Actually these two areas are very closely related - there is a common thread. I will explain how.

First, my writings on God and religion are not heavy philosophy but plain and simple common sense, like a set of logical steps in an IT solution. Second, both the people issues in IT and the concept of God and Religion are a study into the human psychology of change. The study of people issues in IT management is a study into the psychology of change from the Industrial Revolution to the Information Revolution. The study of God and Religion, similarly, looks at the psychology of change from the stone age to the information age. It is a study into the turn of events in human history and its impact on our mindset leading to some highly distorted beliefs. The field of IT too is a victim of misconceptions and misbeliefs.

Whereas mathematics explained the physical world, a new yet to be discovered 'science' which I call "mentomatics" will explain the spiritual laws. God and Religion will be "mentomatically" explained, ushering in the next big "revolution-in-waiting" - the Spiritual Revolution. You will be able to experience "God in Two Minutes".

Following are my Articles in Bestthinking. To read my Blog, Click here.

  • A Fresh Look at God and Religion
  • A fresh look at God and religion as has never been done before. It challenges some of your basic beliefs, so it is the author's humble request to read it with an open mind.

  • Managers' Guide to Evolve from Machine Age to Information Age
  • Let's admit it. We are still not at ease with this animal called computer. You want to be tech-savvy, but do not know where to start. It all sounds so 'techy'. There is good news! What you as a top executive need to know is not technology, but something you can easily grasp.

  • We Humans have no Control on our Actions
  • Most of us would vouch: "I am in control of my actions". Most often, we have little control on what we do. Not all our actions are results of conscious decisions. We are often driven by the subconscious mind over which we have no control. This insight can help us personally and professionally.

Here is an extract from my topic in Bestthinking titled " A Fresh Look at God and Religion "

" I can foresee a world united again, a world where man will not be divided by religion. Religion will be 'scientifically' explained and we will see that there is only one so called 'God' , which is nothing but a power within each one of us. Man will see his folly "

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