Google Search Output on "Behavioral IT"

In Oct. 2012

Google did not show any relevant entry before I, Prem Kamble, published my first Article on "Behavioral IT" in my website on 2nd Nov. 2012. Before that, it appears that no one had defined this term. See Google Output.

In Nov. 2012

Now (Nov 2012), my article on Behavioral IT shows up as the first entry in google search output. In fact this is the only relevant entry as all other entries do not exactly match the search term "Behavioral IT". See Google Output.

In Dec. 2015

Much later, I did a third search in Dec 2015 after I had published more articles on "Behavioral IT". See Google Output.

All three screenshots are reproduced below.

See my First Article on Behavioral IT

Google Screenshot of Nov. 2012

Google Search on "Behavioral IT" after I published the first article on Behavioral IT in Nov. 2012 shows my article on top.

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Google Screenshot of Oct. 2012

Google Search on "Behavioral IT" before 02-Nov-2012 before publishing
my first Article. There was no valid output.

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Google Screenshot of Dec 2015

Google Search on "Behavioral IT" in Dec 2015 shows all my articles. In 2014, I applied for a trademark. Behavioral IT® got registered as my Trademark in 2016 wef 2014.

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