Copyright © 2024 Prem Kamble
Unlocking Success in the Digital Age: The Power of Behavioral IT®
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Are you a top manager striving for professional growth in today's fast-paced digital landscape? Are you overwhelmed by the idea that complex IT skills are essential for success? The good news is that you don't need IT expertise to succeed as managers in the digital age. Professional growth and peace of mind are not mutually exclusive - they can coexist. Introducing Behavioral IT, a unique IT soft skill pioneered by Prem Kamble!


(This paper is a part of a series of articles and research papers on Behavioral IT®. Click on Related Articles to see many more.)

Are you a top manager striving for professional growth in today's fast-paced digital landscape? Are you overwhelmed by the idea that complex IT skills are essential for success? The good news is that you don't need IT expertise to succeed as managers in the digital age. Professional growth and peace of mind are not mutually exclusive - they can coexist. Introducing Behavioral IT, a unique IT soft skill pioneered by Prem Kamble!

The Myth of IT Hard Skills

For too long, we have been led to believe that we require IT skills to be successful in corporate world. But the truth is, you don't need to have IT hard skills. What you need is a unique set of "Behavioral IT" soft skills that are easy to grasp and will set you apart from the competition. The benefits include a higher salary with professional growth, more streamlined work, greater peace of mind, better work-life balance and a happier family.

Pain Points of Top Managers

As a manager heading a function or aiming to head one, you know that technology is the key to your much desired growth, to streamlining your work, and achieving peace of mind and control.

However, you have a lurking fear of IT. You struggle to learn technology but don't know what to learn and where to start. Moreover, IT appears too difficult. The fear of obsolescence and the perception that younger managers are more IT-savvy can be daunting.

You are aware of the IT department's role in providing automation, but you are frustrated or disillusioned with their performance. You feel that they do not understand your business. They appear too self-centred, and unresponsive to your needs. When they do respond, their proposed timelines are unrealistic.

Reflecting on past experiences with IT solutions, you were utterly disappointed. While you expected a smooth sailing, the implementation was a nightmare, adding to your stress rather than alleviating issues. The solution failed to deliver, and IT department was unresponsive to your change requests, resulting in blame and mistrust.

Pain Points of CEOs

As a CEO, you oversee the transition to new technologies but feel helpless amid the conflict between IT and functional departments. Lacking the technical expertise, you tend to shy away from addressing IT-related issues, delegating them to others. You feel the pain and frustration of not being in control. You too believe that the IT department operates in a vacuum, often providing unrealistic timelines when you want immediate solutions. To you, they seem to be a drain on company's resources. While you are confident in driving other organizational changes, you find managing IT-Driven change quite perplexing.

Pain Points of IT Heads

As a Chief Information Officer (CIO), you find that despite providing the best solution, departments show disinterest and lack cooperation. They failed to engage during the design and planning stages, and after completion, they express dissatisfaction with the solution and request modifications. They blame you for your supposed lack of business acumen, whereas you think they do not understand IT.

The Common Solution for All: Behavioral IT

The casualty is your growth, your success, your aspirations and peace of mind. There is only turmoil, stress and mutual blame. The IT department accuses the user department and the CEO of insufficient support during the transition, while the CEO and user departments label the IT team as inept. Imagine if there were a way to disrupt this pattern and unleash your full potential? Fortunately, there exists a universal remedy: Behavioral IT! All top managers, including functional managers, CEOs, and CIOs, can look forward to Behavioral IT for avoiding this chaos.

Behavioral IT skill is a unique fusion of Technology, Psychology, mindset change and Behavioral skills to thrive in an IT-Driven World. By exploring the psychology of change, it emphasizes that our reliance on Industrial Age approaches may not suffice for solving Information Age challenges. It helps to transition from an industrial age mindset to information age mindset.

Neither do functional managers and CEOs need to learn IT, nor do IT professionals need to learn business. Instead, they all need to know Behavioral IT which is much simpler. In today's highly specialized environment, attempting to master everything is impractical. You don't need hard skills, you need soft skills to build bridges, create stronger interfaces between departments, and foster collaboration. The key to your success in the digital world lies in smoothing out these interfaces, especially with those who hold the key to your success.

Benefits for You

Do you want personal growth by leveraging IT to simplify your work, gain better control and find peace of mind without needing to learn IT? Do you aspire to convert conflicts into collaboration? Dream of a more harmonious, stress-free work environment? Long to leave the office on time and spend quality time with your family, or pursue hobbies you have abandoned for years?

Behavioral IT changes the scenario from conflicts to collaboration, blame games to cooperation, and hatred to empathy. Imagine the rewards of these simple changes:

  1. Organizational Growth: Improved results increase your chances of advancement within your organization.
  2. Market Demand: Possessing the right tech skills translates to higher market demand and better salaries.
  3. IT Awareness: Managers with IT awareness are more valuable than those with mere IT literacy.
  4. Efficiency: Achieve more with less effort, gaining power, fame, and a higher salary.
  5. Technology Utilization: Navigate available technologies without frustration.
  6. Streamlined Processes: Less stress, reduced anxiety, and peace of mind.
  7. Health and Family: Enjoy better health and a happier family life.
  8. Happy Family, Better World: Happy families create better citizens of the world.

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