Prem Kamble's Blog

Real Success Stories & Other Articles by Prem Kamble

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Unlocking Success in the Digital Age: The Power of Behavioral IT®

Do you as CEOs/Top managers believe that complex IT skills are essential for professional growth in a fast-paced digital world? Relax! You don’t need IT expertise to succeed. Enter Behavioral IT, a unique IT soft skill by Prem Kamble!

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Prem Spirituality Model: An Introduction

Prem Spirituality Model is a "Scientific" model developed by Prem Kamble to ensure a more scientific study of Spirituality free from faith based religion.

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Prem Spirituality Model: Spirituality for All through Spiritual Revolution

Prem Spirituality Model provides a "scientific" model to help speed up the onset of Spiritual Revolution. The model is discussed in details in my book "God in Two Minutes"

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Need of Behavioral IT® in Software Product Management

Implementation phase, which is the last mile in Product Life Cycle is the most critical and weakest link in the chain, is often ignored by the Product Managers. Behavioral IT ensures success of this critical phase

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Behavioral IT®: Is the IT Scenario Really So Rosy?

There is so much euphoria about IT. On the other hand, the world is complaining about the disruptions created by IT. Why this dichotomy? Is the IT Scenario really so rosy?

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Behavioral IT® - Addressing the IT Woes of Businesses & Top Professionals

Behavioral IT® is a multi-desciplinary approach to address the IT-Woes of both Businesses (Over 70% failures) and Top Executives (Fear of IT) in a world disrupted by IT-Driven Change

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Behavioral IT®: Coping with IT Disruptions

The vehicle of businesses runs on two uneven wheels - one wheel (technology) runs at jet speed and the other (people) at bullock cart speed. It is extremely important to address this "inertia of the human mind" to sustain businesses.

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Postmortem of the RTO system: Processware Lapses

An analysis of the computerised system at the govt office of RTO. Major flaws in processware are found which could have been easily avoided to give a much better customer experience and save time and money for the applicants

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Improving Employability Skills of Engineering Students

I was asked to conduct Employability Training to Engg. College students with some ready content from a US university. As an industry person, I found the content too theoretical. I created my own effective & fun way of improving employability, with a slogan "Just Do IT"

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People and Process Issues in ERP Implementation

Real life story of PeopleSoft HR ERP implementation which required tightening of people and process discipline to ensure that it was brought back from the brink of failure

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Time Swing Analysis

Time Swing Analysis™ is a method evolved by Prem Kamble which helps to learn from the past and apply the learning to current situations in order to make them easier and simpler to deal with

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Behavioral IT® - The People Aspects of IT-Driven Change

Behavioral IT® is a New Term coined by me. It is a study of behavioural aspects of IT Implementations that can make a difference between success and failure of IT projects

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Key Success Factors - Delivering IT Projects on Time

Article by me on Key Success Factors that led to the delivery of all software projects on time. This was a record by me in a SEI Level 5 software company. This article was published in company magazine.

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The Management is Shocked to Know that...

This was the shocking first line of mail I received from my client on delivering a project. The full mail was, "The Management is Shocked to Know that the Project went live on the day it was supposed to.." Read the key success factors for timely delivery.

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God in Two Minutes - My Book

My e-book downloadable at A scientific and objective look at God and Religion. A new look at Religion and God as never before.

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God in Two Minutes - A Summary

A Summary of my book published in A scientific and objective look at God and Religion. A comparison of the physical world with the mental/ spiritual world and possible outcome of a spiritual revolution.

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Steering A Failed ERP Implementation Back on Track

A real life story of how a PeopleSoft ERP Implementation which had not delivered the results and was in doldrums was brought back on track. Books for three years were not closed worldwide, and all reporting was in excel.

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How to Leapfrog into the Information Era

The Psychology of change from Industrial Era to Information Revolution. This is a summary of the article Turmoil of the Information Revolution described below.

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What Top Executives Need to Know about Computers

The psychology of Change from Machine age mindset to Information age. Like the turmoil of the Industrial Revolution, we are now going through the  turmoil of the Information Revolution. No wonder there is chaos due to computerization in organizations! 

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We Humans Have no Control on our Actions

We may be far from truth when we say, "I have full control over my actions". Not all actions are results of our conscious decisions. Most of our actions are results of what I call "Mental Reflex Actions" on which we have little control. This insight can help us both in personal and professional life

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Managers' Guide to Evolve to Information Age

Let's admit it. We are still not at ease with this animal called computer. You want to be IT-savvy, but do not know where to start. There is good news! What you need to know about IT is not technology, but something you can easily grasp. My Article in

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From Bench to Centre of Excellence

Real story of getting extra-ordinary performance from ordinary people. How an inexperienced team sitting on the bench (unassigned developers who are idle and are waiting for new projects/ orders to arrive) gave birth to a Centre of Excellence of an emerging technology.

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Tapping the Skills of a Hobbyist Developer

Real story of getting extra-ordinary performance from ordinary people. How a good hobbyist developer who had no formal technical training developed into a very creative solution provider with little care, trust and freedom to experiment.

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From Fresh Graduate Trainee to Expert

How a fresh graduate trainee was transformed into an expert in a supposedly very difficult technology - Computer Telephony Interface. Real story of getting extra-ordinary performance from ordinary people.

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Empowering the Project Managers

Good IT Managers often become masters of business processes. They can give wonderful suggestions for improvement, but were afraid to open their mouths for fear of undue customer pressure to deliver immediately. This case is about how I empowered them to contribute without fear.        

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Employee Skill Development & Team Development

Collection of True Stories on Employee Skill Development & Team Development: how a very raw team of bench programmers became centre of excellence, how a fresh trainee engineer became expert in a CTI, how a hobbyst programmer developed into an expert, etc.

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Peopleware Deployment in IT Projects - A Study of Passport Office

Deployment planning is normally limited to planning of Hardware and software deployment. There is a need of a third planning - Peopleware Deployment, i.e., how people will interact with the application.

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Indian Computing: Issues at Stake

My article published in 'Computers Today' magazine which lists the people issues in computing - issues involved with Top Management, User departments and IT departments while implementing software

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Bringing Computers In: IT for Business

My article published in 'Times of India' which describes how a software application can be designed with to contribute to Business rather than for mundane work reduction. This is based on my real life success story.

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Computing - A Field Job

Article on My Successful Implementation Strategy published in 'Computers Today' How immaculate planning and active involvement of users and management contributed to the success.

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CEO as a Leader of IT Driven Change

Organization's agility depends on people and their attitude to change. Since change today is mainly IT Driven, CEOs need to make special efforts to change people's attitude towards IT and IT-Driven Change.

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HR! Discover Your New Role of the IT Era

HR needs to discover their New Age Role of a Change Catalyst in an IT Driven World. There is a need to equip them with the right skills to execute this new age role in an Agile company.

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In the Wonderland of Information Technology

The CIO manages one of the dumbest, most adamant animals in this great circus called business - the computer. So whereas the customers think that he has a magic wand which can give instant results, the poor CIO is actually harbouring one of the most difficult animals.

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Need for IT Consumer Forum

There should be a IT Consumer Forum to protect the rights of IT Users.

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CEOs Need to Drive an IT Consumer Forum

CEOs need to look at the interests of IT Users. All is not well for the IT User and there is a need to have an Consumer Forum for IT Users.

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Article on ERP

Article by me on advantages of ERP published in 'ERP Journal' of Indian Express Group.

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My Blog on IT in

IT Snippets: Real-life situations and learnings in my professional life - in the areas of system study, design, development, people management, user management, top management involvement, end-user involvement, application maintenance, implementation and change management.

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Blog in Bestthinking

My Page in Site with list of my Articles Published

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My IT Strategy

Lists the key focus areas while managing IT for Businesses. A Strategy of customer orientation, business orientation and people orientation first, and then technology orientation.

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Camble's Rambles (Software Support Strategy)

Golden rules for software support. This article relates a best practice in a support function - a job of supporting your customer of an application software in a changing environment. Prem Kamble narrates a real life situation...

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Ensuring Master Data Accuracy and Currency in Live Systems

Strategies to ensure master data accuracy, accuracy and currency in live data.

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Rules of Effective Meetings or Group Discussions

How to conduct effective meetings, group discussions or Brain storming sessions at work to attain meeting objectives. Article also discusses how to impress in group discussions, say in MBA adminssions interviews

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Goal Orientation for Personal Effectiveness

How defining the goals and reminding oneself of the goals tie and again helps in being effective.

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Indians! Wake up to Demand Quality!

Why have Indians developed a pathetic attitude towards quality and how can we change it? What does it have to do with the Great Indian Apathy - a belief that "Nothing will ever change in India!"? How are Corruption and Poor Quality intertwined?

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Subconscious Mind: Breaking Free from Self-Made Barriers

Our actions are controlled by our Subconscious Mind, on which we have no control. Knowing your Mind helps us break free from our hidden self-made barriers, get insights into ourselves and people's behavior

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Paradigms and the Subconscious Mind

What are paradigms and what do they have to do with Subconscious mind?

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Subconscious Mind - The Software Programming within Humans

Subconscious Mind is like the software in a computer. It is this which differentiates one human from the other.

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Is God a Myth?  

Some very staunch beliefs in the past have crumbled and appear ridiculously funny today. Should we be ready to accept that some of today's strongest beliefs may also meet the same fate? Will they turn out to be myths?

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Seminars for Top Managers

See a list of my Seminars for top managers

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Seminars for CEOs

See a list of my Seminars for CEOs

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Seminars for HR Managers

See a list of my Seminars for HR Managers

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Seminars for Non-IT Managers

See a list of my Seminars for Non-IT Managers

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Seminars for IT Managers

See a list of my Seminars for IT Managers

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COMPUTERISATION can take the path of routine work reduction if it is not given a direction and meaning by the business expert..."   Read on ...

"IS Managers face an uphill task if the head of the user department has 'how-can-I- do-it' attitude or 'it-will-not-work-in- our-case' attitude" - Read about my successful Computerisation

"Thus Spake Prem Kamble"
Some Quotes from Prem's Articles

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Is God a Myth?

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